Welcome To Knivesby.com Custom hand made Knives
from Knife Makers of all parts, This is where the Deals are made,
from the maker him or herself
KnivesBy.com Custom Knives
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under custom Knife makers and #9 under custom made knives
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***KnivesBy.com is a place to find Fine Custom Knife Makers
from all over the world,
from Art knives, Hunting Knives, Hand Made Custom Knives,
Bench Made, and to that one little knife you just couldn't find.
not all makers have web pages or pages that list well on the net.
this means you don't have an easy access to most of them as a web surfer
so this service is to get you and these Makers together.
Makers' listings are by the Knife Makers name
and by the Knife Makers Mark (Business Name)
with contacts
then his link will take you to his page on
KnivesBy.com with Photographs of some of his or her work
it will be linked as www.KnivesBy.com /makersname.html
then if the Maker has a web site of his or her own, you can go to it from that Page
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This site is new, so please give it some time to grow,
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The USS Shakori
www.knivesby.com custom hand made Knives
from Knife Makers of all parts, This is where the Deals are made, from the
makers themselves here at www.knivesby.com, knife makers and buyers for
custom made knives, art knives, custom hand made knives, knife Makers
with custom knifes, sheaths, folders, Damascus blades and Knife Makers with
hunting knives, gray knives